Ankor Wat. The sunrise is amazing
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2016年9月21日 星期三

沙巴SABAH (5日4夜 5 Days 4 Night) 行程計劃 (Journey Plan)

行程計劃 (Journey Plan)

Day 1

0955H 香港 Hong Kong
1255H 亞庇 Kota Kinabalu
1400H Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel check in
1500H 怡豐茶室 Lunch at Yee Fung
1600H Wisma Merdeka 兌換+報旅行團 Change money and joint tour at Wisma Merdeka 
1800H Suria Sabah 購物中心 shopping at Suria Sabah
1900H 海鮮夜市 Seafood dinner near pier

Day 2 神山、溫泉一天遊 Kinabalu park local tour

0730H 酒店出發 Departure at hotel
0900H 拿巴魯小鎮 
Nabalu town

1600H 神山公園 Kinabalu park
1330H 午餐 Lunch at a Chinese Restaurnt
1200H 樹頂吊橋 Canopy Walk
0930H 波令溫泉 Poring Ho竹t Spring
回到亞庇市中心 Back to Kota Kinabalu

1900H 新記肉骨茶 Dinner at Sin kee Bah Kut Teh

Day 3 東姑阿都拉曼海洋國家公園(Tunku Abdul Rahman Park Islands)

0930H Old Town White Coffee
1100H 海底漫步Sea Walking
1130H 沙比島午餐 Lunch at Sapi Island
1300H 馬穆迪島 Mamutik Island
1400H 回亞庇市中心 Back to Kota Kinabalu
1500H 亞庇中央市場 Central Market
1600H Hard Rock Cafe
1800H 酒店游泳 Swimming in Hotel
2100H 海邊酒吧 Dinner at Y.O.L.O Bar

Day 4

0930H 週日市集 Sunday Market
1100H 富源中式點心店 Fook Yuen Cafe &Bakery
1200H 酒店游泳 Swimming in Hotel
1300H Nando's午飯 lunch at Nando's
1400H 購買手信 Buying souvenior at Oceanus Waterfront Mall + Suria Sabah
1900H 佑記肉骨茶 (Syarikat Yu Kee)

Day 5

1000H 怡豐茶室 Breakfest at Yee Fung
1200H Check Out
1215H 亞庇市區購物 shopping at Centre Point Sabah
1300H 海邊酒吧 Lunch at Thai restaurant
1400H 回到機場Back to Airport

