Ankor Wat. The sunrise is amazing
It uses a light version of jQuery mobile, navigate the slides by swiping with your fingers
It's completely free (even though a donation is appreciated)
Camera slideshow provides many options to customize your project as more as possible
It supports captions, HTML elements and videos.

2017年5月30日 星期二


坐過大約兩個半小時飛機後,酷兒很快就到達了暹粒機場了。一個人背著沉重的背包,拖著沉重的腳步,踏出機艙,希望在這個地方沉殿一下,並兌現曾經對你下過的承諾---到吳哥窟。我做到了,但你已不再在酷兒身邊了。 見著旁邊的都在有講有笑,結伴步入機場,有一種說不出的孤獨感。不過沒關係...